Comments for corrected version of DX-77.ini. 23.3.2005 I have tested all combinations of commenting and uncommenting of pmVFOA, pmVFOB, pmVFOAB...etc and enclosed version is optimal by my mean. It works fine with Hamport and Bandmaster. Alinco's software is primarily intended for use with terminal program like Hyperterminal in Windows etc. In this reason there are some restrictions for use it with your software: - every command must end by hex characters '0A 0D' - by this sequence is press of key "Enter" simulated and in Alinco's reply are there characters '0A 0D' more times - that's why I cannot use ReplyEnd statement in case of variable length of reply string - Alinco MUST reply immediatly on each known command and that's why I cannot merge more commands in one line. Alinco's reply for the first command goes simultaneously with the second coomand and result is crash and error message "COM PORT ERROR" - Alinco's reply has two parts in all cases: first part: all bytes of last sended command are returned back and sequence '0A 0D' is added second part: in case of SET command is seguence 'O K 0A 0D' returned in case of READ command is variable legth reply string + '0A 0D' returned in case of unknown command is string 'E R R O R 0A 0D' returned. - Alinco's software switches positions of VFOA FRQ and VFOB FRQ in reply string in case of switching VFO's: if VFOA is active (on display) : NNNNNNAAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBB where AAAAAAAAAA is FRQ of VFOA (RX FRQ in Alinco's terminology) and BBBBBBBBBB is FRQ of VFOB (TX FRQ in Alinco's terminology) if VFOB is active (on display) : NNNNNNBBBBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAA where AAAAAAAAAA is FRQ of VFOA (TX FRQ in Alinco's terminology) and BBBBBBBBBB is FRQ of VFOB (RX FRQ in Alinco's terminology) Use DX-77.ini with Hamport - all works fine but - in right above corner displayed FRQ of second VFO is all time the same - see "switching position of FRQ in reply string" above mentioned - setting of VFO's "VFOA/A, VFOB/B" are "dead" - in memory functions Hamport writes and reads both frequencies and modes of VFO's correctly - it's no way to toggle split ON/OFF from Hamport - must be set manually - it's no way to toggle RX / TX (PTT) from Hamport - PTT must be switched outside the program Use DX-77.ini with Bandmaster - all works fine but - click and doubleclick for offset setting works fine, but no Split is toggled and offset displayed simultaneously. Split must be switched by click on "Split" field or manually on the TRX. If Split is toggled ON before clicking / doubleclicking to set offset, all is O.K. - no RED NUMBERS are there in case of PTT is ON (problem with variable lentgh of reply string mentioned above - pmRX and pmTX was not used) -------------------------------------------------no comments more ----------------------------------------------------