Comments from K6JJ for the ICOM IC-756 Pro.ini file, version 29 MAY 05: 1. This rig does not support the function to turn the CI-V Transceive mode on and off, which apparently the IC-756 Pro II can do. I found no difference in the operation of Omni-Rig Client (the .ini testing program) or Band Master with the mode on or off. However, when using the IC-756 Pro with a rig control program such as TRX-Manager, I had to turn this mode on or changes made at the rig would not show up in the software program display. Depending upon your station configuration, you may find the need to manually adjust this function to on or off in the rig set/others menu. 2. The IC-756 Pro has a smaller set of commands when compared to the IC-756 Pro II command set. Thus, certain commands that Omni-Rig supports are not supported by the IC-756 Pro. 3. The commands for setting and reading the CW Pitch Frequency were copied from the IC-756 Pro II.ini file. They seem to work when changes were made to them so that the IC-756 Pro would recognize the control codes, but they seem to need some refinement, as mentioned in the .ini file remarks for both rigs. 4. When using the Band Master program, the following mode conversions apply: Band Master Mode IC-756 Pro Mode CW-U CW CW-L CW-R USB USB LSB LSB DIG-U RTTY DIG-L RTTY-R AM AM FM FM Selecting the wanted Band Master mode will set-up the IC-756 Pro for the corresponding mode. 5. When using the Band Master program, the following function buttons do not operate with the IC-756 Pro, and are grayed out: SPLIT (see #6 below) RIT XIT 6. The Band Master program TX offset button, when clicked, sets the IC-756 Pro to the Split mode and sets the transmit VFO to the frequency of the receive VFO. No transmit frequency offset is added. Double clicking this button makes the same change. To disable the Split mode, click on the band in-use button. 7. If you can improve on the IC-756 Pro.ini file and/or these comments, please do so. I knew nothing about the IC-756 Pro rig control functions, Omni-Rig and Band Master, when I started to develop the .ini file. I appreciated having the IC-756 Pro II.ini file already developed, which aided me greatly. I also appreciate the Omni-Rig concept. 73, John K6JJ