Some common error messages are shown below, along with steps user can take to avoid the error. Note that the client may display additional information before, and may display diagnostic information after, the error messages below. Be sure to check the entire error message for the text below.
Errors While Sending E-mail
The following errors may be seen while attempting to send e-mail messages.
"4.5.3 Error: too many recipients"
- Meaning: The total number of recipients listed in the To:, Cc:, and Bcc: fields of the message exceed the limit established on the server.
- Corrective Action: Reduce the number of recipients in the message.
"4.7.0 <servername> Error: too many connections from <ipaddress>"
- Meaning: The client identified by <ipaddress> is connecting too frequently to the server.
- Corrective Action: Reduce the frequency with which the client connects to the server. For example, press "Send" less often.
"4.7.1 Error: too much mail from <ipaddress>"
- Meaning: The client identified by <ipaddress> is sending too many messages too quickly.
- Corrective Action: Reduce the rate at which messages are sent. For example, wait a little longer between sending messages.
"4.7.1 Error: too many recipients from <ipaddress>"
- Meaning: The total number of recipients listed in the To:, Cc:, and Bcc: fields in all messages sent by the client identified by <ipaddress> exceeds the rate limit established on the server.
- Action: Reduce the number of recipients per message and/or the rate of sending messages so that the total number of recipients per time period is lower.
Errors While Retrieving E-mail
The following errors may occur while attempting to retrieve e-mail messages.
"Mail server <ipaddress> responded: Disabled."
- Meaning: The account has been disabled on the server identified by <ipaddress>.
- Action: Verify that the account is correct. If so, contact technical support to find out why the account was disabled. Take whatever corrective action is needed to have the account re-enabled.
Other Errors
Nothing at this time.