Santa Clara County ARES®/RACES
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Discussion Groups

Overview   |    Main Group   |    Subgroups   |    Reference



These discussion groups are available to foster communications between members of Santa Clara County ARES/RACES.


Main Group: Announce


The main group is called "Announce" and is used only for announcements by the moderators. This provides a convenient way to reach everyone that is participating in any of the groups with a single message, thereby keeping e-mail traffic to members at a minimum.


To Join:



Membership in the main "Announce" group is required before you can join any of these subgroups. Some of these subgroups are open to anyone who is a member of the main/Announce group. Others are intended only for specific roles/individuals and require further approval.

Subgroup Description
ADEC Announcements to and discussion between the Santa Clara County ARES/RACES District Emergency Coordinator (DEC) and Assistant District Emergency Coordinators (ADECs). You must be the DEC or an ADEC to join.
Credential Announcements and discussion related to the Santa Clara County ARES/RACES Credentialing Program.
Drill-Planning Definition, discussion and coordination of Santa Clara County ARES/RACES drill activities. You must be part of the drill planning team to join.
EC Announcements to and discussion between city/agency Emergency Coordinators (ECs) and Assistant Emergency Coordinators (AECs). You must be an EC or AEC to join.
Email Discussion of and mutual user support for e-mail services and networking specific to Santa Clara County ARES/RACES.
Equipment Discussion of and mutual user support for equipment used for Santa Clara County ARES/RACES activities.
HF Discussion of and mutual user support for HF radio communications specific to Santa Clara County ARES/RACES.
Hospital Discussion and coordination of Santa Clara County ARES/RACES hospital net activities. You must be a member of the hospital net to join.
MAC Announcements and discussion related to the MAC endorsement in the Santa Clara County ARES/RACES Credentialing Program.
Mesh Discussion of and mutual user support for broadband mesh networking applications and infrastructure specific to the Santa Clara County ARES/RACES.
Packet Discussion of and mutual user support for AX.25 packet radio networking specific to Santa Clara County ARES/RACES.
TCPIP Discussion of and mutual user support for TCP/IP networking specific to Santa Clara County ARES/RACES.
Training Discussion of any SCCo ARES/RACES training topic, including exercises and on-air practice. This group is moderated to help ensure that answers are correct. Questions posed will normally be answered by the instructor for that subject area.



Setting Your Display Name and Profile Privacy in

Setting the "Display Name" and "Profile Privacy" is important for helping other group members know who is posting to the group. We recommend the following:

The procedure is as follows:


Using a Mail Forwarder with ensures that the address from which you send e-mails to the group is an address that is subscribed to the group. If you subscribe to one of our groups with a mail forwarder address, such as <call sign>, e-mails that you send to the group will be rejected because they aren't sent from the mail forwarder address.

To allow emails to be sent to the group from a different address, follow this procedure: Help References


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This page was last updated 04-Feb-2020