SCC ARES/RACES Voice Frequency Notes
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Updated 25-Aug-24
# Freq(s) Note
1   deprecated
2 145.570 Shared: Cupertino (PL 151.4 with Foster City (PL 114.8)
A   deprecated
B 147.510 442,925 927.7375 City of Santa Clara can link 147.510 (PL 100.0) to their repeater K6SNC 442.025 + (PL 100.0). 927.7375 is linked to 442.025 all the time.
C 147.585 Shared: Sunnyvale Tac C and Campbell Alt Tac
D 146.115 Resources NET is for HAMs who have not been assigned to check in and for tracking those in route to or from an assignment
E 145.27 Mountain View may use W6ASH 145.270 as command if not needed for County Resource Net
F   deprecated
G 443.275 As of 25 August 2024, K6SNY has been adopted as the replacement for N6NAC for Resource, South.  Sunnyvale uses K6SNY when not needed by County.
H 145.350 442.575 K6FB linked, full time. 145.450 (Castle Rock) and 442.575 (Black Mountain) intended as primary alternate frequencies for message net
I   deprecated
J   deprecated
K 1282.5000 Stanford ARES repeater offset is - 12 MHz Black Mountain
L 1292.5500 Stanford ARES repeater offset is - 20 MHz Stanford campus
M 146.595 Shared: Los Gatos/ Monta Sereno shared with Saratoga TAC Alt 2
N 146.490 Shared: Stanford Tac (PL 123.0) & Morgan Hill TAC
O 440.800 Shared: between Mountain View ARES and Los Altos ARES if not needed as a backup for County Resource Net
P 145.430 224.720 Milpitas repeaters are normally linked (2 courtesy tone beeps), but may be unlinked (1 courtesy tone beep) in case of an emergency that requires additional bandwidth
Q 147.525 Shared: Palo Alto (PL 100) and Milpitas (PL 85.4).
Tone squelch will be enabled if there is any interference.
R 441.000 Shared: Cupertino (PL 151.4) and Los Gatos / Monte Sereno (PL 88.5).
Tone squelch will be enabled if there is any interference.
S 446.500  Shared: Palo Alto (PL 100.0) and Sunnyvale (PL 94.8).
Tone squelch will be enabled if there is any interference.
T   As of 20 August 2024, N6NAC is no longer available for SCC ARES/RACES use.  

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