Santa Clara County ARES/RACES
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City/Agency Emergency Operations Center Nets

Summary    |    Essential    |    Recommended    |    Other    |    Personnel



In order to function efficiently and effectively during a communications emergency, each city/agency Emergency Operations Center (EOC) [or Department Operations Center (DOC)] is expected to maintain simultaneous connectivity with several amateur radio nets. The expected level of monitoring for each of the nets is described below. Some suggestions for personnel assignments are also provided.

Recommended equipment to support these nets can be found here: City/Agency Emergency Operations Center Equipment


Essential Nets

All EOCs/DOCs are expected to monitor and participate in these nets for the most basic level of communications.





Recommended Nets

City/agency EOCs/DOCs are strongly encouraged to participate in as many of these nets as is possible. Note that the use of these nets requires higher speed access connections. Such connections require a higher degree of planning due to line-of-sight issues.


Other Nets

The other types of nets in use throughout the county are listed here for completeness. There is no expectation that a city EOC/DOC would continuously monitor any of these nets.



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This page was last updated on 01-Jan-2019