Santa Clara County ARES®/RACES
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Practice Sessions

Purpose   |   On-Air   |   Pop-up   |   Local



Practice sessions are a chance to work on individual skills, without the scheduling and scenario constraints usually associated with exercises (including drills). In other words, no pressure!

Individual proficiency is the focus. Feedback is provided so individuals will know where to improve. If you mess up, that's OK. Keep going until you get it right. And then ... keep going!


On-Air Practice from Home

On-Air Quarterly Message Passing Practice

  • Practice sending and receiving various 3rd party messages over the air, with live instructor feedback.
  • Occurs in Jan., Apr., Jul., and Oct. on the third Tuesday of the month, at 20:30 hours.

On-Air Weekly Packet Practice

  • Practice sending plain text and forms over the air, with automated feedback.
  • Occurs weekly, on Monday and Tuesday, just prior to the SPECS and SVECS nets, respectively.

On-Air Monthly Packet Message Passing Practice

  • Scenario-based practice sending and receiving various plain-text and PacketItForms messsages for an operational period.
  • When scheduled, occurs monthly on third Wednesday of the month and lasts for one week.


Pop-up Practice

Pop-up practice sessions are a quick way to get some field experience. We pick a spot somewhere, people show up, do their thing, and then leave. You can be home for lunch. Individualized one-on-one coaching is available if you need it. The practice activity itself is about an hour. But most people usually prefer to spend a bit more time to get more practice time and mentoring, to chat with others, and to see the equipment that other people bring. It's a great way to get some ideas for your own setup.

Pop-up Message Passing Practice

Usually held once a year.

Pop-up Net Control Practice

Usually held once a year.

Pop-up Packet Practice

Usually held once a year.


Local Practice

Practice sessions should also be happening in your local jurisdiction. Contact your local Emergency Coordinator/Radio Officer to see what practice sessions may exist within the city. Better yet, offer to organize one (or, at least help with one)!


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This page was last updated 12-Jan-2024