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The MasterHam Project was born of my obsession with keeping files and reference materials available in cloud storage. It occured to me that this collection might benefit other hams. Justin AI6YM agreed to host the files on an FTP server instead of me distributing on a USB key. Looking for others to contribute and help keep it up to date.
You can browse and download what you want, but the real purpose of this share is to make it FTP instead of just HTTP. Because there is software that allows synchronizing FTP folders, if means that keeping up to date with everything is simple. Just sync, and you get all the updates. You can grab everything, or just the stuff relevant to you.
A quick overview of the most important bits:
The MasterHam Project root folder. Do you want EVERYTHING? Here it is. Sync this root, and you get everything. Useful for EmComm, but you may want to be more selective as the size is currently around 8 gigabytes. Below are individual folders you could synchronize to target what you want.
Cheat Sheets: Programming quick references for various radios. This is stuff collected off the Internet. I would like to start a project to standardize cheat sheets and publish them.
Manuals: I have been collecting radio manuals for a while in case I ever need to deploy somewhere and get handed some unfamiliar tech. By syncing this folder, I have a library of manuals I can draw on. Looking for contributions....
Powerpoint Presentations: Yep. Educational presentations anybody is welcome to use or modify to promote our hobby. A resource for speakers at clubs, or contact the author to see if they would be willing to speak at your event.
Radio Configs: Another in progress project. I want to have a set of files to download to radios with all local frequencies of interest. I envision two ultimate files. One would be a file for new hams with all local Net stations defined, with a Word document letting them know WHEN to tune to each station. It would list the city as well so you know the range each might work at.
The second would be a Frequency list of all County EmComm stations and useful frequencies. I suggest starting the list at Channel 20, to allow local cities to put their own channels first, but have a common lineup for the rest. This would be limitted to radios that support such a large lineup, which we should recommend for any EmComm radio. For radios with smaller memories, this file could be editted to only contain the minimum necessary.
Reference: Just a disorganized set of miscellaneous documents I have collected. Not terribly useful yet.
Software: This is a big one. Every time I install of come across a useful program, I stick it in a folder. I update them from time to time as needed. It contains both paid programs, and freeware with the folder title indicating the difference. The folder contains the latest installer I have, and a link to the download page, or home page for the software. I try to keep a description of the programs in a Word document along with other information from this site, but I can fall behind. If you are in EmComm in the Bay Area and keeping up to date with the latest forms and references from the County site drives you batty, just sync this folder and you have an entire offline copy of the website with the links altered to point to the local copy. Put it on a USB key and carry it with you for emergencies. I try to update once a month, and if you use an FTP Filesync you have a much better chance of staying current without downloading the whole site yourself. Only downloads updated files. (The Builder folder contains the script I use to download if you DO want to do it yourself, but I am trying not to overload the County site).
The rest of the files are just stuff that clutters my drive. The qsl.netsite are the files I have on my website, and there are other files I just didnt bother to exclude in case folks want to look.