Community Outreach

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SF Bay Ham Radio Resources

Courtesy of the Southern Peninsula Emergency Communications System

Hello! My name is Stiv Ostenberg, K9STV, and as the Community Outreach Officer for the Southern Peninsula Emergency Communications System I have taken on the task of trying to recruit and retain new, lapsed, or frustrated Hams. To get started, may I suggest the following:

  1. Join the SPECS MeetUp Group:
    The SPECS MeetUp Group endeavors to capture all Ham Radio related meetings and events on the area. Check out the Calendar, or join the group to be notified of new events (we do not notify for regular meetings to avoid spam).
  2. Join Groups.IO
    Join to subscribe to EMail lists on various topics related to Ham Radio. It is as easy to leave as discussion as it it to join. You can subscribe or leave a list from the site, or scroll though the main topics listed on one of the tabs at the top of this page.
  3. Peruse the MasterHam Project Files.
    No subscription necessary. I have shared a large number of Ham Radio related files on my Cloud drive, and Justin (ai6ym) is hosting them on a public FTP server. You can sync the files to stay up to date or just explore.
  4. Join a Club.
    Getting connected with other Hams is the best way to get started. You can peruse the club list from the menu on this page, or see club meetings and events on the MeetUp Group. Clubs can help you program your radios, and help you get on the air.
  5. Join a Net
    People do not always monitor repeaters or frequencies. Finding somebody to talk to can be frustrating. Nets are conducted on particular frequencies at fixed times to facilitate communications. There is a list of Nets in the area at the top of this page.


Some documents Stiv was working on...


Ham Radio and You! This is a PowerPoint deck of about 50 megs outlining activities available to Ham Radio operators. As with the guide above, I am updating it as I find new things. This is intended to be used for folks to make presentations to the public to raise interest in Ham Radio. I am collecting presentations to share on the MasterHam site in the PowerPoint folder.

An overview of Ham Radio in the Bay Area, and this site...