Local NETs.
People do not always monitor their radios, and sometimes finding somebody to talk to can be a challenge. The list below will help you find the right times and frequencies to check to try to make a connection. The repeaters that host these nets are also more likely to be monitored during the day and to spawn conversations. The N6NFI repeater is probably our busiest.
Net | Repeater | Frequency |
Offset |
PL Tone |
Location | Schedule |
9 am Talk Net | N6NFI | 145.230 |
- |
100 |
Palo Alto | Monday through Friday, 9am (1-3 hours) |
FARS Net | N6NFI | 145.230 |
- |
100 |
Palo Alto | Thursday, 08:00PM |
Net Tuesday | WA6GEL | 444.800 |
+ |
179.9 |
Milpitas | Tu 05:00PM |
PAARA Net | N6NFI | 145.230 |
- |
100 |
Palo Alto | Monday, 08:30PM |
SARA Net | K6SA | 146.655 |
- |
114.8 |
Saratoga | Sunday, 09:00PM |
SARA Net | K6SA | 443.150 |
+ |
100 |
Saratoga | Sunday, 09:00PM |
SBARA Chat | WA6PWW | 147.015 |
+ |
103.5 |
Fremont | Monday, 07:30PM |
San Mateo Radio Club | N6ZX | 145.370 |
- |
107.2 |
San Mateo | Tu & Th 07:00 PM |
Youth Net | N6NFI | 145.230 |
- |
100 |
Palo Alto | Tu 07:00PM |
The nets below are not for discussions, but to allow operators to check in to test their radios, and the radios used for emergency communications. This is like a role call using your callsign. It is also good practice listening a recording callsigns for EmComm experience.
Net | Repeater | Frequency |
Offset |
PL Tone |
Location | Schedule |
SPECS Net | W6ASH | 224.140 |
- |
88.5 |
Mountain View | Monday 07:30PM |
SPECS Net | W6ASH | 440.800 |
+ |
100 |
Mountain View | Monday 07:30PM |
SPECS Net | W6ASH | 145.270 |
- |
100 |
Mountain View | Monday, 08:00PM |
SVECS Net | AA6BT | 146.115 |
+ |
100 |
San Jose | Tueday, 08:00PM |
SVECS Net | N6NAC | 444.625 |
+ |
110.9 |
San Jose | Tueday, 08:00PM |
((Placeholder for Chirp File with these stations defined.))
Below may be redundant and is more information than I planned on providing, but was provded to me at a BAEARS exam and may prove useful to you. Will try to organize better sometime.
DAILY NETS | |||||
Club/Organization | Time | Offset | Frequency | Band | City |
Noon Time Net | 12:00 | LSB | 7.2685 & 3.970 | 40 & 80 Meters | |
California Traffic Net | 18:00 | LSB | 3.9060 | 80 Meters | |
Alamo Emergency Comms Net | 18:45 | Simplex | 147.5700 | 2 Meters | |
National Traffic System NCN-1 CW Net | 19:00 | LSB | 3.6300 | 80 Meters | |
Golden Bear Net | 19:00 | LSB | 3.975 | 80 Meters | |
Western Public Service System Net | 19:30 | LSB | 3.952 | 80 Meters | |
Northern Calif. Net VHF Session (WA6HAM) | 19:30 | 107.2 HZ | 145.41 | 2 Meters | |
Northern Calif. Net VHF Session | 19:30 | PL 107.2- | 145.4100 | 2 Meters | |
National Traffic System NCN-2 CW Net | 21:00 | LSB | 3.7050 | 80 Meters |
Club/Organization | Time | Offset | Frequency | Band | City |
5:42 Morning Muster | 5:42 | PL+100.0 | 147.0600 | 2 Meters | |
5:10 AM Net | 6:10 | PL+100.0 | 147.0600 | 2 Meters | |
Over the Hill Gan Breakfast/Commute Net (WA6KQB) | 7:10 | -82.5 | 145.1100 | 2 Meters | |
RV Radio Network | 8:10 | LSB | 7.2685 | 40 Meters | |
California Rescue Net (Gorden West Net) | 8:30 | LSB | 7.245 | 40 Meters | |
9 AM Talk Net | 9:00 | -100 | 145.23 | 2 Meters | |
Ladies of the Net | 10:00 | LSB | 7.2450 | 40 Meters |
Club/Organization | Time | Offset | Frequency | Band | City |
EBARC “Explore Net” (HF) | 0:00 | USB | 28.425 | 10 Meters | |
Reno QRP Group | 11:00 | LSB | 7.0450 | 40 Meters | |
UC Berkeley ARC Net | 19:00 | Simplex | 442.7500 | 70 Centimeters | |
Reno QRP Group | 18:30 | LSB | 7.0450 | 40 Meters | |
American Red Cross of the Bay Area (ARCBA) | 19:00 | Simplex | 147.4200 | 2 Meters | |
Contra Costa Repeater Association (CCRA) Net-FL Digi | 19:00 | PL+82.5 | 444.2750 | 70 Centimeters | |
LARK Net | 19:00 | +100.0 | 147.1200 | 2 Meters | |
Benicia Amateur Radio Club (BARC) | 19:30 | +100.0 | 442.7500 | 70 Centimeters | |
East Bay Amateur Radio Club | 19:30 | USB | 28.4250 | 10 Meters | |
Hayward Amateur Radio Club/ARES Net | 19:30 | +127.3 | 145.1300 | 2 Meters | |
SBARA Talk Net | 19:30 | +103.5 | 147.0150 | 2 Meters | |
San Bruno Amater Radio Club Net | 19:30 | 114.8 | 146.925/BU 146.505 | 2 Meters | |
Contra Costa Repeater Association (CCRA) Net | 19:35 | 107.2 | 145.490/147.735/145.410 (linked) |
2 Meters | |
Papasys DMR Net | 20:00 | DMR | Talk Group 3106 | DMR | |
SATERN Net | 20:30 | PL +100.0 | 147.0600 | 2 Meters | |
California Emergency Services Net (CESN) | 20:00 | LSB | 3.9920 | 80 Meters | |
California Emergency Services Net (CESN)- 4th Monday of each month | 20:30 | LSB | 7.1920 | 40 Meters | |
Cathay Amateur Radio Club (W6bUR) | 21:00 | +85.4 | 146.6700 | 2 Meters | |
Santa Clara Valley Repeater Club | 21:00 | -154.4 | 146.7600 | 2 Meters |
Club/Organization | Time | Offset | Frequency | Band | |
ATV Tech Roundtable Net: Voice 147.060 PL +100.0 ATV: Input: 1292.50 MHz /1270 MHz FM/ Output: 1244.5 MHz |
21:00 | PL +100.0 | 147.0600 | 2 Meters | |
SBARA Youth Net -Echolink: 828105 & 271122 | 19:00 | PL +100.0 | 145.2300 | 2 Meter | |
RACES/ARES West Marin | 19:15 | Simplex | 147.4650 | 2 Meters | |
RACES/ARES North Marin | 19:15 | Simplex | 147.5850 | 2 Meters | |
RACES/ARES Central Marin | 19:15 | Simplex | 147.5100 | 2 Meters | |
RACES/ARES South Marin | 19:15 | Simplex | 147.5550 | 2 Meters | |
Marin RACES/ARES NET | 19:30 | Big Rock: PL -203.5 Mt Tam: PL -179.9 Mt Barnabe: PL -167.0 |
146.7000 | 2 Meters | |
“QRM Net” | 1930 | PL -82.5 | 224.3000 | 1.25 Meters | |
Fat City CW Net (voice followed by CW) | 19:30 | PL+100.0 | 28.4200 | 10 Meters | |
Kid's Net | 19:30 | PL -100.0 | 147.8550 | 2 Meters | |
CCCC 220 Net | 19:30 | PL-82.5 | 224.3000 | 1.25 Meters | |
SBARA Tri-City Emcomm Net | 19:30 | PL +103.5 | 147.0150 | 2 Meters | |
Marin RACES/ARES NET | 19:30 | Big Rock: PL -203.5 Mt Tam: PL -179.9 Mt Barnabe: PL -167.0 |
146.7000 | 2 Meters | |
Sierra Nevada Amateur Radio Society DMR Net | 20:00 | DMR | SNARS Talkgroup 31328 | DMR | |
Contra Costa Digtal Practice Net | 20:00 | PL +100.0 | 147.0600 | 2 Meters |
Club/Organization | Time | Offset | Frequency | Band | City |
Rossmoor Ham Net | 8:30 | Simplex | 146.4300 | 2 Meters | |
Bay-Net 6 Meter FM Net | 18:30 | Simplex | 52.5250 | 6 Meters | |
California Emergency Services Net (CESN) | 10:00 | LSB | 7.1920 | 40 Meters | |
Contra Costa Red Cross Net | 18:45 | PL -107.2 | 145.490/147.735/145.410 | 2 Meters | |
West Contra Costa County-ARES/RACES Net | 18:45 | PL +82.5 | 145.1100 | 2 Meters | |
Walnut Creek CERT | 18:50 | PL +167.9 | 443.8250 | 70 Centimeters | |
Marin CW Training Net | 19:00 | LSB | 7.1070 | 40 Meters | |
SkyWarn Net | 19:00 | PL +100.0 | 147.0600 | ||
Hayward Radio Club | 19:00 | PL -127.3 | 145.1300 | 2 Meters | |
Rossmoor Net | 19:30 | PL +100.0 | 147.5400 | 2 Meters | |
LARK Windfarms/ 10-10 Net | 19:30 | LSB | 28.4850 | 10 Meters | |
Lamorinda Area Radio Interest Group (LARIG) | 19:30 | (2 M) PL+ 107.2 (70 CM) +123.0 |
Start: 145.490 Then move to" 442.975/440.550/440.975 (linked) End net on: Lafayette-146.565 (simplex), Moraga-147.585 (simplex), Orinda-147.540 (simplex) |
2 Meters/70CM | |
Fremont ARC Net 20:00 | 20:00 | Simplex | 144.2300 | 2 Meters | |
Bay-Net 20:30 | 20:30 | Simplex | 144.2300 | 2 Meters | |
American Red Cross of the Bay Area (ARCBA) | 20:00 | PL +100.0 | 443.9750 | 70 Meters | |
Concord Amater (Auxilary) Emergency Radio Service (CARES) | 20:00 | PL +127.3 | 147.4050 | 2 Meters | |
SBARA Wednesday Night Roundtable | 20:00 | USB | 28.4120 | 10 Meters | |
Military Radio Collectors Net | 20:00 | USB | 3.9960 | 75 Meters | |
Bay-Net SSB Net | 20:30 | USB Vertical | 144.2300 | 2 Meters |
Club/Organization | Time | Offset | Frequency | Band | City |
KARO/ECHO ARES/RACES Net | 12:00 | simplex | 146.415 | ||
Rossmoor ARES Net | 9:00 | simplex | 146.4300 | 2 Meters | |
Bay Area Hospital Net- 4th Wednesday of every month | 12:00 | PL +100.0 | 147.0600 | 2 Meters | |
EMBARK Tech Net | 0:00 | PL 82.5- | 145.1100 | ||
Contra Costa HF Emergency Communications Net | 18:35 | LSB | 3.8930 | 80 Meters | |
Walnut Creek CERT | 18:40 | simplex | 146.4600 | 2 Meters | |
West Contra Costa EMCOMM Net | 18:45 | PL -82.5 | 145.1100 | 2 Meters | |
Martinez Emergency Net | 18:45 | simplex | 146.5050 | 2 Meters | |
Amateur Radio Club of Alameda/ARES Net | 19:00 | PL +88.5 | 444.6000 | 70 Centimeters | |
Delta Amateur Radio Club Net | 19:00 | simplex | 146.5350 | 2 Meters | |
South Contra Costa Sheriff's ACS Net | 19:00 | simplex | 147.4800 | 2 Meters | |
Central Contra Costa County EMCOMM Net | 19:00 | simplex | 145.6800 | 2 Meters | |
KARO/ECHO ARES/RACES Net | 19:00 | simplex | 146.4150 | 2 Meters | |
Northern California DMR Net | 19:00 | DMR | NorCal Talk Group 31068 | DMR | |
Martinez ARC Net | 19:10 | PL +107.2 | 440.4500 | 70 Centimeters | |
NALCO RACES/ARES Net | 19:15 | PL 131.8+ | 440.9000 | ||
Northern Alameda County (NALCO) ARES/RACES Net | 19:15 | PL +131.8 | 440.9000 | 70 Centimeters | |
Contra Costa County- Wide EMCOMM Net | 19:20 | PL - 107.2 | 145.490/147.735/145.410 (linked) |
2 Meters | |
Oakland ARES Emergency Comm Net | 1930 | PL 77- | 146.8800 | ||
Contra Costa Communications Club Net | 1930 | PL 82.5- | 145.1100 | ||
Contra Costa Communications Club Net | 19:30 | PL -82.5 | 145.1100 | 2 Meters | |
MDARC Net | 19:30 | PL +100.0 | 147.0600 | ||
LARK Newcomer & Tech Net | 19:30 | PL +100.0 | 147.1200 | 2 Meters | |
Oakland ARES Emergency Comm Net | 19:30 | PL -77.0 | 146.8800 | 2 Meters | |
San Francisco ACS Net | 19:30 | PL +127.3 | 442.0500 | 70 Centimeters | |
Millbrae Amateur Radio Club (MARC) | 19:30 | simplex | 146.4900 | 2 Meters | |
SBARA slow speed CW Net | 19:30 | simplex + or - | 144.2300 | 2 Meters | |
Baynet Digital Net | 20:00 | Grp:31075 | |||
Foothills Amateur Radio Society Net | 20:00 | simplex | 144.2500 | 2 Meters | |
MARS Net | 20:00 | PL+82.5 | 443.5250 | 70 Centimeters | |
Sidewinders on Two (SWOT) | 20:00 | LSB | 3.8900 | 80 Meters | |
Bay-Net Digital Net Talkgroup 31075 WW6 Bay-Room | 20:00 | Simplex | 444.350 & 444.435 (fusion) | 70 Centimeters | |
First Thursday of Every Month - RACES HF | 21:00 | Talk | 147.0600 | 2 Meters | |
General ATV Net: Voice 147.060 PL +100.0 ATV: Input: 1292.50 MHz /1270 MHz FM/ Output: 1244.5 MHz |
Club/Organization | Time | Offset | Frequency | Band | City |
LARK HF Net | 8:30 | LSB | 7.2630 | 40 Meters | |
California/Nevada DMR Roundtable | 20:00 | DMR | California DMR Talk Group 3107 | DMR | |
Livermore National Traffic System | 20:30 | LSB | 7.2630 | 40 Meters | |
Mad Scientists Amateur Radio Club Net | 21:00 | PL -100.0 | 147.3300 | 2 Meters |
Club/Organization | Time | Offset | Frequency | Band | City |
CS245 Net | 9:00 | PL -107.2 | 145.490/147.735/145.410 (linked) |
2 Meters | |
Worldwide DMR BrandMeister Net | 9:00 | DMR | BrandMeister Talk Goup 91, Time Slot 1 |
DMR | |
Military Radio Collectors Net | 9:00 | USB | 3.9850 | 75 Meters | |
Bay Area EMCOMM Net | 9:00 | PL -82.5 | 145.1100 | 2 Meters | |
N & E CERT Net | 9:30 | PL +82.5 | 444.2750 | 70 Cenimeters | |
Youth Net | 14:00 | PL -100 | 145.2300 | 2 Meters | |
Sidewinders on Two (SWOT) | 20:00 | simplex | 144.2500 | 2 Meters |
Club/Organization | Time | Offset | Frequency | Band | City |
Bathrobe ATV Net: Voice 147.060 PL +100.0 ATV: Input: 1292.50 MHz /1270 MHz FM/ Output: 1244.5 MHz |
9:00 | PL +100.0 | 147.0600 | 2 Meters | |
Contra Costa Repeater Association (CCRA) Net | 10:15 | LSB | 3.9150 | 80 Meters | |
California American Legion Radio Service (CALARS) HF Net | 13:00 | LSB | 7.2780 | 40 Meters | |
California American Legion Radio Service (CALARS) Echolink Net | 13:30 | Echolink | FMCA-ARC | Echolink Conference Server | |
TAC310 DMR Net | 17:00 | TAC310 Talk Group | DMR | DMR | |
American Red Cross Communications Net | 18:00 | +100.0 | 443.9750 | 70 Centimeters | |
LDS Collaborative Net | 18:00 | PL +100.0 | 147.0600 | 2 Meters | |
Danville Emergency Communications Net | 18:30 | PL +100.0 | 147.0600 | 2 Meters | |
Disaster Commmunicators Forum | 18:35 | +100.0 | 443.9750 | 70 Centimeters | |
SBARA slow speed CW Net | 19:30 | simplex + or - | 144.2300 | 2 Meters | |
Antioch LDS Net | 21:00 | Simplex | 146.4150 | 2 Meters | |
Saratoga Amateur Radio Association Net | 21:00 | -114.8 | 146.6650 | 2 Metes |