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Amateur radio mesh networking uses commercially available WiFi radios and antennas operating on amateur radio spectrum using amateur radio rules (FCC Part 97) to provide automated WiFi networking. The mesh software automatically discovers and configures routing to other neighboring nodes, making it simple and fast to deploy a multi-site network. Because of the nature of microwave propagation and mesh networking protocols, these networks are best used within individual cities or locales.
TCP/IP over WiFiMesh Amateur Radio can be used to access the following SCCo ARES/RACES services:
A discussion/e-mail group is available for SCCo ARES/RACES members interested in mesh networking.
To Join: Visit our Discussion Groups page to learn how to subscribe to our main Announce group. Once approved, you can subscribe to the Mesh group.
AREDN Forums
Discussion and support forums for the AREDN node software.
BBHN Forums
Discussion and support forums for the Broadband-Hamnet node software.
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This page was last updated 03-Oct-2019