The radio room at the Santa Clara County Operational Area Emergency Operations Center (OA EOC) is well equipped, regularly tested, and stands ready to provide auxiliary communications services when needed.
All of the following communications services include both voice and data communications. The county ARES/RACES data network has multiple redundant connection to the global Internet. But it is also fully independent of the Internet and can support countywide communications (and beyond) even if all Internet connections are completely down.
- OA EOC to other OA EOC Communications
- Communications between the Santa Clara County OA and other OAs, near or far.
- OA EOC to Local Jurisdiction EOC Communications
- Communications between the OA EOC and local jurisdiction EOCs.
- EOC to Hospital Communications
- The OA EOC will typically communicate with the Public Health Department Operations Center (PHDOC) to maintain situational awareness and to support hospital operations. If the PHDOC is not activated, hospitals will communicate directly with the OA EOC.
- EOC to Agency Communications
- Government agencies non-government organizations which span multiple jurisdictions either have or are encouraged to have amateur radio stations at their Department Operation Centers (DOCs). Examples of agencies with amateur radio communications include: the American Red Cross and the Valley Water District.
- Gathering Situational Awareness
- Hundreds of amateur radio operators across the county can gather situational awareness information and rapidly summarize it at the city level. Examples include: observed earthquake damage (Modified Mercali Scale), flooding locations and levels, communications outage locations, and more. The city-level information is summarized and transmitted to the operational area EOC to aid in establishing a common operating picture.
- Health and Welfare
- Those working extended assignments can let family members know that they're OK.