Amateur radio can be used to augment existing communications capacity during heavy activity or can be used as an auxiliary communication mode when the "normal" communications channels have failed or are degraded. This can occur due to natural disasters, such as fire, flood, earthquake, or man-made situations, such as cyber or infrastructure attacks, or simple equipment failures or equipment configuration errors.
Amateur radio provides an auxiliary communications capability that is not dependent on any other commercial or private system. Procedures have been developed and equipment has been deployed to support the following types of communications:
- Hospital to PHDOC or OA EOC Communications
- Public Health Department Operations Center or Operational Area EOC (when the PHDOC is not activated)
- Situational awareness and coordination for medical issues
- Message types: EMResource HAvBed Report, WebEOC Medical Facility Status, Medical Resource Request, general messages (ICS-213)
- Hospital to Local Jurisdiction EOC Communications
- Request for amateur radio support
- Situational awareness and coordination of local jurisdictional issues, such as police, fire, public works
- Hospital to Hospital Communications
- Hospitals can talk directly to other hospitals to coordinate patient transfers
- Hospital to POD (Points of Dispensing) Communications
- Situational awareness and coordination with outdoor on-prem or remote Points of Dispensing
- Hospital to Allied Health Communications (under development)
- Equipment and procedures to enable support of communications via amateur radio at allied health facilities is in the formative stage.
- Health and Welfare
- Those working extended assignments can let family members of know that they're OK.